Our first Sunday we went to a church service being led by the Karen people of Burma. The service was done in their language and translated into English.
We went on Father's Day which is a very important day in their culture. All the fathers age 45 or older were escorted to the front by the young girls and given a gift and a handmade necklace. The fathers under 45 sat in the front pews and were presented with handmade necklaces.
The second week, we visited a mosque. My previous blog has more details about the mosque visit.
While we were at the mosque, the kids got to play in the sprinkler.
This week, we had language training. The language we got to practice with was Uzbek. Let me tell you, I am so thankful Creole is an easy language to learn! Languages are in groups based on how difficult the language is. Creole is a group one!
One night this week, we had a cultural experience. They 'took' us to Swaziland to experience a church service. Typically church services would last all night, but ours only lasted 2 hours.
This picture is difficult to see, but he is holding a stick that has a cross at the top. He would pray and start singing and we kinda had to guess what was going on. It really gave us a good idea of what it will be like for us when we are in Guinea Bissau and don't understand Creole yet. The experience was pretty amazing though, and the Holy Spirit took over.
By the time we are done with our classes, we are all so tired we have to find something to relax with. Puzzles have been a hit! Here is Michael with some of his friend, Kosti, LaVonne, and Ted.
We had two great surprises this week too. We had a friend stop by to visit Wednesday night and our kids got a package from their friends at church. Both of those things were such blessings to us!
I hope this gives you a good glimpse into our life here at WMI. We have thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot believe we only have a week left. Thank you everyone for all the prayers you have covered us with and for everyone that is financially supporting us. We could not be doing anything of this without your help!
If you still want to donate to help us to get to Guinea Bissau, there is a link on the right side of this page. Thank you for everyone for all your support!