Monday, April 15, 2013


So much has happened since our last post.  Actually, we are feeling a little embarrassed at how poorly we have done at keeping up with our blog.  We shall try harder.  

So here's a quick recap of the last few months. We have began the shots and will finish up all those by the end of April. We have received all of our passports, began to pack, gather up things to keep, and began a pile for a yard sale. We have spoken at two churches and in the next three weeks will speak at two more. Our support is up to 71% and we just need to raise $47,000 to finish up. That means, 40 people to pledge $50 a month or 20 people to pledge $100 a month or some really generous gifts. God is faithful, so we know that this money will come in.  Our prayer is that we will have 100% so that we may leave in August.  Please pray with us and if you are feeling like God is calling you to support us, please contact us and we will let you know how.  

One thing that has been confusing for some is the importance of the response form.  In our first letter we sent out we had attached a response form.  That form is important in many ways.  If you are interested in supporting us but can't start just yet, still fill out the form and put how you want to support us.  Pledge the money and send it in later if you can't with the form.  If you can't support us financially, but would like to pray for us and/or receive a newsletter, send in the form.  Your name will then be added to our list and you will start receive our newsletters and/or our prayer requests.

We have been officially invited to training this summer.  We are excited as a family, to be going to training and preparing for what God has next for us.  We also just recently had Grandma visit us.  She worked hard on her visit! She made 18 skirts (six for each girl) and 14 shorts (7 for each boy)! She also has been making headbands and scrunchies for the girls with the extra scrap material.  She is one extremely talented lady and we are so thankful for her willingness to make all those things for us. We also went to Target the last weekend for a few things and randomly found sandals for the kids at a wonderful price.  We couldn't pass them up, so now our kids have their sandals! We also found travel pillows for them, aka mini pillow pets. That was a highlight for our kiddos. They were so excited about getting to pick out what animal their pillow pet could be.  It brought excitement for them about moving to Guinea Bissau.  This transition, at times, has been hard on the kids.  They have been asking really good questions though.  Some of those questions are, "Will we have a toilet?", "Do we get to bring any toys?", "Will I have my own bed?", "Will people laugh at us when we try to speak Kriol?", "Do we have to go?", and many more.  The story that has been told the most is the same story that was told when we left Indiana to move to PA, Jonah.  We explain how God has asked us to move to Guinea Bissau and it is our choice to go, and we have chosen to obey. They usually answer with "Yeah, we don't want to be swallowed by a big fish!". We also talk about how God tells us to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19,20  This has been a really great opportunity to teach our kids and to show them how to walk through decisions in life.  We are all faced with choices and have to make decisions that sometimes can be quite complicated.  Our kids are learning, hopefully, how to lean on God when we are unsure.  

If you would like to join in our financial support, please click the link below and then go to the tab 'donate online'. Please be sure to designate your contribution to Michael and Karen Baker.

Thank you for your support and prayers! We could not be doing this without the love and support of our friends and family.  

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